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IBPS PO Exam Eligibility Criteria and Syllabus| How to Prepare for IBPS PO Exam?

IBPS PO & MT (Probationary Officers and Management Trainee) Exam, Eligibility Criteria and Syllabus is simplified below:

IBPS Institute of  Banking Personnel Selection Conducts IBPS PO Exam Every year During the mid of year (as per year 2012). PO Probationary Officer Exam is Platform to Enter in a Public sector Bank in Junior Manager Grade Scale-I. This is highest Entry level pay scale job for fresh Graduates in a bank.

See list of Indian Public Sector banks here.

Eligibility Criteria for IBPS PO Exam:

Any graduate candidate can apply for IBPS PO weather it is B.Sc, B.A, B.Com, BBA, BCA, Engineering etc. if they fall in the age determined by IBPS.(Different for different categories). Candidates are requested to view the complete age criteria in the official site of IBPS.

Selection  Process for IBPS PO Exam :

IBPS PO & MT selection is done in two stages 1st is Common Written Examination and Second is Common Interview.
The Common Written Examination consists of two sections one is Objective and other one is Subjective.

Objective part:

It Consist of five different sections i.e. Reasoning, Quantitative aptitude, English language, General Awareness specially emphasized on Banking Awareness, Current Affairs and Computer Knowledge. 
Every section consists of 50 questions and 50 max marks each.
Time to solve this part is 150 minutes and you have to clear sectional cut-off for each part. You have to also clear the total cut-off marks for the whole section.

Descriptive part

This will be checked if you clear the minimum qualifying cut-off in objective one.
The maximum marks for this section is 25and the time is of 1 hour. 
It consists of a Latter Writing, Précis Writing and Essay Writing {total 3 questions}. 
You have to attain minimum qualifying marks in this section also.

In objective part of IBPS PO Exam there will be negative marking for each wrong answer. 0.25 marks will be deducted for each wrong answer. So the candidates have to attempt the questions carefully.

A  Common Interview process starts after above whole process which is of 100 marks. You have to qualify in this also.

After Common Interview:

After completion of Common Interview process of IBPS PO Exam a online score card is given to the candidates indicating Common Written Exam + Common Interview marks (80%+20%) out of 100%.
Depending on the merit and vacancies you will be allotted a bank.

It is not necessary that if u cleared both the CWE and the Common Interview of IBPS PO Exam, you will be allotted one of the Public Sector Banks. As I said before the selection process is merit based. But there are chances in Second Allotment if vacancies are unfilled in 1st Allotment.

Exam Pattern, Eligibilty criteria for IBPS PO 3 2013 has been Changed. Click here for more details on 20 July 2013 IBPS PO 3 Notification.

See also: 
